
What is 6/11 as a decimal?

6/11 as a decimal is 0.536


All fractions can be converted to decimals. Like fractions, the decimals are also a representation of the combination of both the whole numbers and the fraction parts separated by a decimal point.

To convert the fraction to a decimal, we need to divide the numerator by the denominator.

Here the numerator is 6 and the denominator is 11. Hence 6 should be divided by 11 using the long division method.

The fractions in which the numerator is greater than the denominator are called proper fractions. The decimal value of these fractions is less than 1.

As we can see that here 11 > 6, hence the value of the decimal is less than 1. To carry out the division, we add 0 to 6 to make it 60 after placing a decimal point in the quotient.

Let us carry out the division.

6 over 11 as a decimal

As we go ahead with the division, we can note that the remainders in steps 4 and 5 are the same as the remainders in steps 2 and 3. This shows that the digits 3 and 6 are repeated infinitely.

Hence we can stop the division at the point where the previous remainders are repeated and write the answer as



Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac{6}{11}$$, the number 6 is the dividend (our numerator)
  • The number 11 is our divisor (our denominator).

Find More Fractions to Decimals

1/1 = 11/8 = 0.1253/4 = 0.757/9 = 0.7
11/16 = 0.68758/9 = 0.87/8 = 0.8754/5 = 0.8
1/2 = 0.51/9 = 0.12/5 = 0.43/10 = 0.3
15/32 = 0.46877/10 = 0.75/9 = 0.54/7 = 0.571
1/3 = 0.31/10 = 0.15/6 = 0.832/11 = 0.18
3/5 = 0.63/11 = 0.279/10 = 0.91/4 = 0.25
1/11 = 0.092/7 = 0.285715/11 = 0.453/7 = 0.428571
6/11 = 0.544/11 = 0.361/5 = 0.21/12 = 0.083
5/7 = 0.714288/11 = 0.726/7 = 0.857147/12 = 0.583
7/16 = 0.43751/6 = 0.161/16 = 0.06253/8 = 0.375
5/12 = 0.4165/8 = 0.6255/16 = 0.312515/16 = 0.9375
1/7 = 0.1428572/3 = 0.62/9 = 0.23/16 = 0.1875
4/9 = 0.413/16 = 0.812519/32 = 0.5937

You can read about what is 3/16 as a decimal fraction here.

What is 5/9 as a decimal?