
What is 15/16 as a decimal?

15/16 as a decimal is 0.9375


We can write the given fraction as a division expression


To carry out the division, write the values 15 and 16 in the division columns as given below.

Start the division by placing a decimal point in the quotient to add 0 to 15 and make it 150. This is done since 16 > 15.

Find the number of times 16 divides 150. Write the value below 150 and the number of times in the quotient.

16 divides 150 nine times to give 144.Subtract 144 from 150 to get 6.

Add 0 to 6 to make it 60.16 times 3 gives 48. Subtract the same from 60 to get 12.

To 12 add 0 again to make it divisible by 16.16 times 7 gives 112.Subtract 112 from 120 to get 8.

Adding 0 to 8 will give 80.16 divides 80 five times completely to give the remainder 0.

With the remainder as 0, we cannot divide further.

Hence the answer is 0.9375.

15 over 16 as a decimal

The decimal value of $$\frac{15}{16}$$ is 0.9375.


Here are some common terms you should be familiar with.

  • In the fraction $$\frac{15}{16}$$, the number 15 is the dividend (our numerator)
  • The number 16 is our divisor (our denominator).

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1/1 = 11/8 = 0.1253/4 = 0.757/9 = 0.7
11/16 = 0.68758/9 = 0.87/8 = 0.8754/5 = 0.8
1/2 = 0.51/9 = 0.12/5 = 0.43/10 = 0.3
15/32 = 0.46877/10 = 0.75/9 = 0.54/7 = 0.571
1/3 = 0.31/10 = 0.15/6 = 0.832/11 = 0.18
3/5 = 0.63/11 = 0.279/10 = 0.91/4 = 0.25
1/11 = 0.092/7 = 0.285715/11 = 0.453/7 = 0.428571
6/11 = 0.544/11 = 0.361/5 = 0.21/12 = 0.083
5/7 = 0.714288/11 = 0.726/7 = 0.857147/12 = 0.583
7/16 = 0.43751/6 = 0.161/16 = 0.06253/8 = 0.375
5/12 = 0.4165/8 = 0.6255/16 = 0.312515/16 = 0.9375
1/7 = 0.1428572/3 = 0.62/9 = 0.23/16 = 0.1875
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