Adjectives Starting with O - 903 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
Adjectives are descriptive words that help us add an extra touch of excitement, intensity, and cohesiveness to our sentences. Our nouns and pronouns would sound rather plain and dull on their own if we don’t add descriptive words for them.
Besides, readers wouldn’t find anything enticing in a piece of writing and would perhaps not want to read at all. This is why we rely heavily on the use of adjectives to improve the quality, structure, and information level of our sentences.
Adjectives - What they are
There are many uses of adjectives, including describing how many or how much of the nouns or pronouns you’re describing. They also help you discuss the kind of things you want, see, or have experienced, etc. For example:
Place two white chairs on the stage, please.
Here you can see that two and white serve as modifying adjectives in the sentences. We also have other kinds of adjectives, including possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, and number adjectives. This helps indicate possessions, demonstrate things and persons, etc. and state the number of nouns and pronouns.
Let’s run a quick quiz below to test your adjective skills.
List of Adjectives with O
Oafish | Offensive | Onomastic | Orphaned | Overdue |
Oak | Off-field | Onomatopoeic | Orphic | Overeager |
Oaken | Off-guard | On-road | Orthodontic | Overeducated |
Obdurant | Offhand | Onrushing | Orthodox | Over-educated |
Obdurate | Off-hand | On-scene | Orthoepic | Over-elaborate |
Obedible | Official | Onscreen | Orthogenetic | Overemotional |
Obedient | Officiary | On-screen | Orthogenic | Overemphatic |
Obediential | Officinal | Onshore | Orthognathic | Overenthusiastic |
Obedt | Officious | Onside | Orthogonal | Overexcitable |
Obeisant | Offish | Onsite | Orthograde | Overexcited |
Obeisaunt | Off-key | On-site | Orthologous | Overexerted |
Obese | Off-kilter | Onstage | Orthometric | Overexerting |
Obfuscatory | Off-limits | On-stage | Orthopedic | Overexposed |
Obituary | Offline | On-the-job | Orthoptic | Overextended |
Object-based | Off-line | On-the-spot | Orthorhombic | Overfamiliar |
Objectionable | Off-peak | Ontic | Orthostatic | Overfatigued |
Objectionable | Off-piste | Ontogenetic | Orthotopic | Overfed |
Objectional | Off-put | Ontologic | Orthotropic | Overflowing |
Objective | Offputting | Ontological | Os | Overfocused |
Objectless | Off-putting | Onward | Oscillating | Overfond |
Object-oriented | Off-road | Onygenaceous | Oscillatory | Over-fond |
Objectual | Off-sale | Onymous | Oscine | Overforceful |
Oblate | Offscreen | Onyx | Oscitant | Overforested |
Oblationary | Off-screen | Oo | Osculating | Overforward |
Obligate | Offshore | Oob | Osculatory | Overfragrant |
Obligated | Offside | Oofy | Osmobiotic | Overfraught |
Obligational | Offsides | Oolitic | Osmolar | Overfree |
Obligatory | Offsite | Oozy | Osmometric | Overfreighted |
Obliged | Off-site | Opacating | Osmotic | Overfrequent |
Obliging | Offstage | Opacifiable | Osseous | Overfriendly |
Oblike | Off-street | Opacous | Ossicular | Overfriezed |
Oblimin | Off-target | Opacular | Ossiculate | Overfruitful |
Oblique | Off-the-ball | Opalescent | Ossiferous | Overfucked |
Obliquid | Off-the-cuff | Opaline | Ossified | Overful |
Oblite | Off-the-peg | Opaque | Ossom | Overfulfilled |
Obliterable | Off-the-rack | Open | Os-specific | Overfull |
Obliterated | Off-the-record | Openable | Osteal | Overfurnished |
Obliterative | Off-the-shelf | Open-air | Ostensible | Overfussy |
Oblivious | Off-the-shoulder | Open-and-shut | Ostensive | Overgenerous |
Oblong | Off-the-wall | Open-armed | Ostentatious | Overgreedy |
Obnoxious | Off-track | Open-book | Osteoarthritic | Overgrown |
Obscene | Off-white | Opencast | Osteogenetic | Overhand |
Obscurant | Oft-repeated | Opencut | Osteogenic | Overhanded |
Obscure | Ogival | Opened | Osteoid | Overhasty |
Obsequious | Ogreish | Open-ended | Osteopathic | Overhead |
Observable | Ohmic | Open-eyed | Osteoporotic | Overheated |
Observant | Oily | Open-faced | Ostial | Overhyped |
Observational | Ok | Open-handed | Ostrich-like | Overinclusive |
Observed | Okay | Open-hearted | Other | Overindebted |
Observing | Old | Open-hearth | Otherwise | Overintense |
Obsessed | Olde | Opening | Other-worldly | Overinvested |
Obsessional | Olden | Open-minded | Otic | Overinvolved |
Obsessive | Older | Open-mouthed | Otoscopic | Overionized |
Obsignatory | Oldest | Open-plan | Ototoxic | Overish |
Obsolescent | Oldfashioned | Opensightly | Otterless | Overjealous |
Obsolete | Old-fashioned | Opensource | Otterlike | Overjittery |
Obsoleter | Old-growth | Opephoroid | Otter | Overjoyed |
Obstacle-ridden | Old-hat | Operable | Out | Overjoyous |
Obstacular | Oldish | Operant | Out of work | Overjubilant |
Obstetric | Oldline | Operatic | Out-and-out | Overjust |
Obstetrical | Old-line | Operating | Outback | Overkeen |
Obstetricious | Old-maidish | Operational | Outboard | Overladen |
Obstetrick | Old-school | Operationalist | Outbound | Overland |
Obstinant | Old-time | Operative | Outbred | Overlarge |
Obstinate | Old-world | Opercular | Outcast | Overlayered |
Obstreperous | Ole | Operculate | Outclassed | Overloaded |
Obstructed | Oleaceous | Operculated | Outcoming | Overlookable |
Obstructive | Oleaginous | Operose | Outcut | Overlooked |
Obstruent | Oleanolic | Ophidian | Outdacious | Overly |
Obtainable | Olefinic | Ophiolitic | Outdate | Overlying |
Obtrusive | Oleic | Opiate | Outdated | Overmastering |
Obtuse | Olent | Opinionated | Outdoor | Overmighty |
Obtuse-angled | Oleochemical | Oppilative | Outdoorsy | Overmodest |
Obverse | Oleographic | Opponent | Outer | Overmotivated |
Obviating | Oleophilic | Opportune | Outermost | Overmuch |
Obvious | Oleophobic | Opportunist | Outfitted | Overmuscled |
Occasional | Oleoresinous | Opportunistic | Outflowing | Overneat |
Occidental | Oleose | Opposable | Outflung | Overnew |
Occipital | Oleraceous | Opposed | Outgoing | Overnice |
Occluded | Olfactive | Opposing | Outgunned | Overnight |
Occlusal | Olfactory | Opposite | Outjutting | Overnighter |
Occluse | Oligaemic | Oppositional | Outland | Overoptimistic |
Occlusional | Oligarchic | Oppositive | Outlandish | Overpessimistic |
Occlusive | Oligarchical | Oppressed | Outlaw | Overplayful |
Occulent | Oligomeric | Oppressional | Outlawed | Over-polite |
Occulomotor | Oligopolistic | Oppressive | Outlined | Overpriced |
Occult | Oligosaline | Opprobrious | Outlying | Overproof |
Occultic | Oligosemic | Opsonic | Outmoded | Overproud |
Occultistic | Oligosynaptic | Optative | Outmost | Overqualified |
Occultive | Oligotrichous | Opthalmic | Out-of-body | Overraced |
Occultural | Oligotrophic | Optic | Out-of-character | Overracked |
Occupational | Oliguric | Optical | Out-of-context | Overrank |
Occupiable | Olivary | Optimal | Out-of-court | Overrash |
Occupied | Olive | Optimific | Out-of-date | Over-rated |
Occurrent | Olivelike | Optimistic | Out-of-order | Overreaching |
Ocean-going | Olympian | Optimum | Out-of-pocket | Overreactive |
Oceanic | Olympic | Optional | Out-of-print | Over-reactive |
Oceanward | Omakase | Optoelectronic | Out-of-service | Overread |
Ocellar | Omani | Optokinetic | Out-of-state | Overready |
Ocellated | Omasal | Optomotor | Out-of-town | Overrefined |
Ocher | Ominous | Optospintronic | Out-of-work | Overriding |
Ochre | Omissible | Optothermal | Outraged | Overripe |
Ochreous | Omissive | Optotypic | Outrageous | Over-ripe |
Ochrous | Ommatidial | Optronic | Outright | Oversea |
Ocreate | Omnibus | Opulent | Outshore | Overseas |
Octabasic | Omnipotent | Opuntiaceous | Outside | Oversensitive |
Octacore | Omnipresent | Oracular | Outsize | Over-sensitive |
Octacosanoic | Omniscient | Oral | Outsized | Overserious |
Octacyclic | Omnivorous | Orange | Outspoken | Oversewn |
Octagonal | Omohyoidean | Orangey | Outspread | Oversexed |
Octahedral | Omophagic | Orangish | Outstanding | Overshot |
Octal | Omophagous | Orangy | Outward | Oversimplistic |
Octameric | Omosternal | Oratorial | Ouvrierist | Oversize |
Octangular | Omotic | Oratorian | Oval | Oversized |
Octanoic | Omphacine | Oratorical | Ovaloid | Overslow |
Octogenarian | Omphacitic | Orbicular | Ovarian | Oversmoothed |
Octogynous | Omphalic | Orbiculate | Ovate | Oversnowed |
Octoic | Omphalinoid | Orbital | Ovation | Oversocialized |
Octoid | On | Orbitary | Ovenproof | Oversoft |
Octolateral | On-air | Orbitual | Oven-proof | Oversolar |
Octolocular | Onanistic | Orbless | Over | Oversolicitous |
Octonary | On-camera | Orblike | Overabundant | Oversophisticated |
Octonionic | On-campus | Orchestral | Overachiever | Oversparred |
Octonocular | Once-removed | Orchestrated | Overachieving | Overspecific |
Octopaminergic | Oncogenetic | Orcish | Overactive | Overspeeding |
Octopartite | Oncogenic | Ordained | Overage | Overstated |
Octopean | Oncogenomic | Ordeal | Overaged | Oversteered |
Octopetalous | Oncologic | Orderable | Overaggressive | Overstimulated |
Octopian | Oncological | Ordered | Overalert | Overstrung |
Octopic | Oncoming | Orderly | Overall | Overstuffed |
Octopine | One | Ordinal | Overalled | Oversubscribed |
Octoploid | One-armed | Ordinary | Overanxious | Oversuspicious |
Octopodal | One-day | Ordinate | Overapt | Overt |
Octopodous | One-eighth | Ordurous | Overarm | Over-the-counter |
Octopoid | One-eyed | Orectic | Overattentive | Over-the-top |
Octopoidal | One-fifth | Oregonian | Overawed | Overtight |
Octopolar | One-fourth | Organic | Overbanked | Overtired |
Octosyllabic | One-gallused | Organismal | Overbearing | Overtouristed |
Octuple | One-half | Organismic | Overblown | Overtroubled |
Ocular | One-handed | Orgasmic | Overbold | Overtrusting |
Odd | Oneiric | Orgastic | Overbooked | Overturnable |
Oddish | One-legged | Orgiastic | Overbreathed | Overturned |
Odds-on | One-ninth | Orgulous | Overburdened | Overuniform |
Odd-toed | One-note | Orient | Overbusy | Overvaliant |
Odic | One-off | Oriental | Overcareful | Overwater |
Odiferous | One-on-one | Orientated | Overcast | Overweening |
Odinic | One-piece | Orientating | Overcautious | Overweight |
Odious | One-pot | Orientational | Overcharged | Overwhelmed |
Odobenine | One-quarter | Oriented | Overcivilized | Overwhelming |
Odometric | Onerous | Orienting | Overclad | Overwrought |
Odometrical | One-seventh | Origenian | Overclaimed | Overzealous |
Odontoid | One-shot | Origenist | Overclear | Over-zealous |
Odorant | Onesided | Origenistic | Overclose | Ovid |
Odoriferous | One-sided | Originable | Overclothed | Oviform |
Odorless | One-sixth | Original | Overcluttered | Ovigerous |
Odorous | One-stop | Originary | Overcoached | Oviparous |
Odourful | One-tenth | Originative | Overcoated | Ovular |
Odourless | One-third | Originless | Overcoatless | Ovulational |
Oecumenic | Onetime | Orinasal | Overcoming | Ower |
Oecumenical | One-time | Orinocan | Overcommitted | Owing |
Oedematous | One-to-one | Orkish | Overcomplicated | Owlish |
Oedipal | One-touch | Ornamental | Overconcerned | Own |
Oenological | One-track | Ornate | Overconfident | Owned |
Oenophilic | One-way | Ornery | Overconscientious | Ownerless |
Oestral | Ongoing | Ornithogenic | Overconscious | Oxalic |
Oestrogenic | On-going | Ornithological | Overconsiderate | Oxblood |
Oestrous | On-hand | Ornithophilous | Overcounted | Oxeyed |
Off | Onioned | Orogastric | Overcritical | Ox-eyed |
Off-air | Onionless | Orogenic | Overcurious | Oxonian |
Off-base | Onionlike | Orogenital | Overdamped | Oxyacetic |
Off-beam | Oniony | Orographic | Overdelicate | Oxygenic |
Offbeat | Oniric | Orographical | Overdependent | Oxyntic |
Off-book | Onirocritic | Orolabial | Overdetermined | Oxytocic |
Off-broadway | Onkus | Orolingual | Overdeveloped | Oyster |
Off-campus | Onlest | Orological | Overdocumented | Oysterish |
Off-center | Onlie | Oromucosal | Overdominant | Oysterless |
Off-colour | Online | Oronasal | Overdone | Oysterlike |
Offduty | On-line | Oroqen | Overdoped | Oystery |
Offenceless | Onlooking | Orosensory | Overdosed | Ozone-friendly |
Offended | Only | Orosirian | Overdramatic | |
Offending | On-off | Orotund | Overdressed |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns in a sentence. They’re the words that indicate the attributes, quantity and quality of a noun. If you need help with language, you can find our resources to get the extra practice you need for refining your grammar skills.
In the next article you can know about adjectives beginning with Q.