Adjectives Starting with M - 885 Words to Boost Your Vocabulary
Did you know that our words and ideas are raw materials that need tools to get into shape? We call them part of the speech and they’re the tools that polish and beautify our sentences.
Adjectives are such powerful language tools because they make any piece of writing more interesting, detailed, and vibrant.
Adjectives- Their Uses
There are many uses of adjectives, including describing how many or how much of the nouns or pronouns you’re describing. They also help you discuss the kind of things you want, see, or have experienced, etc. For example:
Place two white chairs on the stage, please.
Here you can see that two and white serve as modifying adjectives in the sentences. We also have other kinds of adjectives, including possessive adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, and number adjectives. This helps to indicate possessions, demonstrate things and persons, etc. and state the number of nouns and pronouns.
Now that we have learned what adjectives are about, let’s see how well we can recognize them in sentences. Are you ready to test your skills with us? Let’s go!
List of Adjectives with M
Maat | Manganesious | Matutinal | Mercable | Micrometric |
Macabre | Manganesous | Matutinary | Mercantile | Micronesian |
Macaronic | Manganic | Matutine | Mercenary | Microphonic |
Maccabean | Manganiferous | Maudlin | Mercerized | Microphonous |
Macedonian | Manganous | Maungy | Merchandisable | Microphyllous |
Macerative | Mangled | Mauritanian | Merchant | Microphytal |
Machiavelian | Mangy | Mauritian | Merchantable | Microscopal |
Machinal | Maniable | Mausolean | Merciable | Microscopial |
Machinelike | Maniacal | Mauve | Merciful | Microscopic |
Machine-made | Manic | Mauvine | Merciless | Microseme |
Machining | Manichaean | Maverick | Mercurial | Microsomal |
Macho | Manichean | Mawkish | Mercuric | Microsporic |
Macilent | Manichee | Mawky | Mercurous | Microsthenic |
Macled | Maniclike | Mawmish | Mere | Microtomic |
Macro | Manifest | Maxi | Meretricious | Microtomical |
Macrobiotic | Manifolded | Maxillodental | Merged | Midday |
Macrocephalic | Maniple | Maxim | Merging | Middle |
Macrocephalous | Manipulable | Maximum | Meridian | Middle-aged |
Macrocosmic | Manipulative | Mayan | Meridional | Middle-class |
Macrodactylic | Mankind | Maybe | Merino | Midget |
Macrodactylous | Manless | Mayoral | Merismatic | Midi |
Macrodont | Manlike | Mazarine | Meritable | Mightful |
Macroeconomic | Manly | Mazdean | Merited | Mightless |
Macrognathic | Man-made | Mazed | Meriting | Mighty |
Macromolecular | Manned | Mazeful | Meritless | Migniard |
Macropetalous | Mannered | Mazological | Meritocratic | Mignon |
Macrophyllous | Mannitic | Mazy | Meritorious | Migrant |
Macropodal | Manoeuvrable | Meadow | Meritory | Migrational |
Macropodine | Manometrical | Meager | Merke | Milanese |
Macropodous | Manorial | Meagre | Meroblastic | Milch |
Macropterous | Manque | Mealiness | Meroistic | Mild |
Macroscopical | Mansard | Mealy | Merovingian | Milesian |
Macrosporic | Mansuete | Mealymouthed | Merry | Miliary |
Macrotous | Mantic | Mean | Merrymaking | Miliolite |
Macroura | Mantled | Meandering | Mesaconic | Miliolitic |
Macroural | Mantuan | Meandrian | Mesal | Militant |
Macrural | Manual | Meandrous | Mesaraic | Militar |
Macruroid | Manuary | Meandry | Mesaticephalic | Militarised |
Macrurous | Manubial | Meaningful | Mesenteric | Militaristic |
Maculated | Manubrial | Meaningless | Meseraic | Military |
Maculose | Manufactory | Meanspirited | Mesethmoid | Milken |
Mad | Manufactural | Measled | Meshed | Milkful |
Madagascan | Manumotive | Measly | Meshy | Milkless |
Madbrained | Manurable | Measurable | Mesial | Milklike |
Madcap | Manurial | Measured | Mesic | Milky |
Madding | Manuscript | Measureless | Mesmeric | Milled |
Maddish | Manuscriptal | Meated | Mesne | Millenarian |
Made-up | Manx | Meatless | Mesoamerican | Millennial |
Madreporian | Many | Meaty | Mesoblastic | Millennian |
Madreporic | Maoist | Meazling | Mesobranchial | Millesimal |
Madrilenian | Maori | Meccawee | Mesocephalic | Miltonian |
Maestoso | Map | Mechanic | Mesocephalous | Miltonic |
Magdala | Maplelike | Mechanised | Mesodermal | Milvine |
Magellanic | Maplike | Mechanistic | Mesodermic | Minable |
Magenta | Mapping | Meckelian | Mesodont | Minaceous |
Magged | Marasritaceous | Meconic | Mesogastric | Minacious |
Maggiore | Marauding | Meconinic | Mesognathous | Mincing |
Maggotish | Marble | Mecopterous | Mesolithic | Mindful |
Maggoty | Marbled | Med | Mesomorphic | Mindless |
Magian | Marbleised | Medallic | Mesomyodous | Mined |
Magical | Marbly | Meddlesome | Mesonasal | Mineral |
Magisterial | Marcasitical | Meddling | Mesonephric | Mineralized |
Magistral | Marcato | Mediaeval | Mesonic | Mineralogical |
Magistratical | Marcescent | Median | Mesophytic | Mingleable |
Magnanimous | Marcescible | Medianic | Mesopodial | Mingling |
Magnesian | Marching | Mediastinal | Mesorhine | Mingy |
Magnesic | Marcian | Mediated | Mesoseme | Mini |
Magnetical | Marcid | Mediative | Mesosternal | Miniard |
Magnetiferous | Marconi | Mediatorial | Mesotartaric | Miniature |
Magnetized | Margaric | Medic | Mesothoracic | Minikin |
Magnetometric | Margaritic | Medicable | Mesotrochal | Miniscule |
Magnetomotive | Margaritiferous | Medical | Mesoxalic | Minish |
Magnifiable | Margarous | Medicamental | Mesozoic | Ministerial |
Magnific | Marginal | Medicative | Messianic | Ministering |
Magnificent | Marginated | Medicean | Messy | Ministrant |
Magnified | Margined | Medicinable | Metabolic | Ministrative |
Magniloquent | Marginicidal | Medicinal | Metabolous | Minoan |
Magniloquous | Marian | Medicolegal | Metabranchial | Minor |
Magnoliaceous | Marigenous | Medieval | Metacarpal | Minorat |
Magyar | Marine | Mediocral | Metacentric | Mint |
Mahratta | Marish | Mediocre | Metadiscoidal | Minty |
Maiden | Marital | Mediostapedial | Metagastric | Minus |
Maidenlike | Maritated | Medioxumous | Metagenetic | Miocene |
Maidpale | Maritimal | Meditative | Metagenic | Miraculous |
Maieutical | Maritimale | Mediterranean | Metagnathous | Mirific |
Maigre | Markable | Medium | Metagrabolised | Mirificent |
Mailable | Marked | Medley | Metagraphic | Mirk |
Mailclad | Marketable | Medullar | Metagrobolised | Mirthful |
Mailed | Markovian | Medullary | Metaleptic | Mirthless |
Main | Marlaceous | Medullated | Metallic | Miry |
Mainpernable | Marlitic | Medusoid | Metalliferous | Miscellany |
Mainstreamed | Marly | Meedful | Metallike | Mischanceful |
Maintainable | Marmoraceous | Meek | Metalline | Mischiefable |
Maintained | Marmoreal | Megacephalic | Metalloidal | Mischievous |
Maioid | Marmorean | Megacephalous | Metallorganic | Mischnic |
Maister | Maroc | Megakaryocytic | Metallurgical | Miscible |
Majestic | Maroon | Megalesian | Metalogical | Misconstruable |
Major | Marooned | Megalithic | Metalorganic | Miscreant |
Majorat | Marred | Megaloblastic | Metameric | Miscreative |
Majorcan | Marriable | Megarian | Metamorphic | Miserable |
Majuscule | Marriageable | Megaric | Metamorphosic | Misogynous |
Makable | Married | Megascopical | Metamorphous | Mistakable |
Makeshift | Marron | Megaseme | Metanephritic | Mistful |
Malacissant | Marrowish | Megasthenic | Metantimonic | Mistreated |
Malacozoic | Marrowless | Meibomian | Metapectic | Mistrustful |
Maladaptive | Marrowy | Meiocene | Metaphoric | Mistrustless |
Maladjustive | Marrried | Meiotic | Metaphorical | Mitigable |
Maladroit | Marsh | Melancholic | Metaphosphoric | Mixable |
Malapert | Marshy | Melancholious | Metaphrased | Mobile |
Malapropos | Marsupial | Melancholy | Metaphrastic | Modifiable |
Malar | Martial | Melanesian | Metaphysic | Moistful |
Malarial | Martian | Melanic | Metapodial | Moistless |
Malarian | Marvellous | Melanistic | Metasilicic | Moistureless |
Malarious | Marxist | Melanochroic | Metastable | Molestful |
Malawian | Mascled | Melanocomous | Metastannic | Monadical |
Malayan | Masculine | Melanotic | Metastatic | Monarchal |
Malaysian | Mashy | Melanuric | Metasternal | Monarchial |
Male | Masked | Melassic | Metatarsal | Monarchical |
Malecontent | Maslin | Meleagrine | Metathetic | Monastic |
Maledicent | Masochistic | Meliaceous | Metathoracic | Monastical |
Maledict | Masonic | Melibean | Metatitanic | Moneran |
Malefic | Masoretical | Melicerous | Metatungstic | Monestrous |
Maleficent | Mass | Melilotic | Metavanadic | Monetary |
Maleficial | Massed | Meliorative | Metayer | Monitive |
Maleic | Masseteric | Meliphagan | Metazoic | Monitorial |
Malevolent | Masseterine | Meliphagous | Metempiric | Monocarpous |
Malevolous | Massive | Melissic | Meteoric | Monocrotic |
Malformed | Massy | Mellaginous | Meteorical | Monoculous |
Malgracious | Masted | Mellic | Meteoritic | Monodelphic |
Malian | Master | Melliferous | Meteoroidal | Monodelphous |
Malic | Mastered | Mellific | Meteoroligic | Monodic |
Malicious | Masterful | Mellifluent | Meteorologic | Monogynous |
Malign | Masterless | Mellifluous | Meteorous | Monopersonal |
Malignant | Masterous | Melligenous | Methionic | Monopetalous |
Mallard | Mastful | Melliloquent | Methodic | Monophanous |
Malleable | Masticable | Melliphagous | Methodical | Monophonic |
Malleal | Masticatory | Mellisonant | Methodistic | Monophyletic |
Malleolar | Mastless | Mellitic | Methodological | Monoplastic |
Malnourished | Mastodontic | Melodic | Methylated | Monoploid |
Malodorous | Mastoid | Melodious | Methylic | Monopodial |
Malodourous | Mastoidal | Melodramatic | Meticulous | Monopteral |
Malonic | Masty | Meloplastic | Metonic | Monopyrenous |
Malpighian | Matchable | Meltable | Metonymic | Monorganic |
Malposed | Matchless | Melted | Metopic | Monosepalous |
Malted | Mated | Membral | Metoposcopic | Monospermal |
Maltese | Matelasse | Membranous | Metrical | Monospermous |
Malthusian | Mateless | Memorable | Metrological | Monospherical |
Maltonic | Material | Memorative | Metronymic | Monostichous |
Malty | Materialistical | Memorial | Metropolitan | Monotonical |
Malvaceous | Materious | Memorizable | Metropolitical | Monotonous |
Mammalian | Maternal | Memphian | Mettled | Mootable |
Mammary | Maternalistic | Menacing | Mettlesome | Mopeful |
Mammiferous | Materteral | Menald | Mewing | Moraceous |
Mammillated | Matey | Mendable | Mexican | Morainic |
Manable | Mathematical | Mendelian | Miasmal | Moral |
Manageable | Matin | Mendicant | Miasmatic | Mordicative |
Manageless | Matinal | Menial | Miasmic | More |
Managerial | Matriarchal | Menild | Mica | Moresque |
Manal | Matriarchic | Meningeal | Micaceous | Morganatic |
Manchu | Matrical | Meniscal | Miching | Moribund |
Manchurian | Matricentric | Meniscoid | Mickle | Morintannic |
Mancunian | Matricidal | Menispermic | Micracoustic | Morisco |
Mandaean | Matriherital | Menopausal | Micro | Morne |
Mandarinic | Matrilineal | Mensal | Microbial | Motiveless |
Mandative | Matrilinear | Menstrual | Microbian | Moveable |
Mandatory | Matrimonial | Menstruant | Microbic | Moveless |
Mandean | Matrimonious | Menstruous | Microcephalic | Multicolor |
Mandelic | Matripotestal | Mensurable | Microcephalous | Multijugous |
Manducable | Matronal | Mensural | Micrococcal | Multilane |
Manducatory | Matronlike | Mental | Microcosmic | Mysterious |
Maned | Matted | Mentholated | Microcoustic | Mythical |
Maneless | Matterless | Menticultural | Microcrystalline | Mythologic |
Manerial | Maturational | Mentionable | Microdont | Mythological |
Maneuverable | Maturative | Mentorial | Microeconomic | Micrologic |
Manful | Matured | Mephitic | Microelectronic | Meracious |
Manganesian | Maturescent | Mephitical | Microlithic | Maturing |
Adjectives Index
Adjectives starting with: | |||
A | H | O | V |
B | I | P | W |
C | J | Q | X |
D | K | R | Y |
E | L | S | Z |
F | M | T | |
G | N | U |
Final Thoughts
Adjectives make pronouns and nouns more interesting, by adding details about them. The descriptive words excite the reader’s imagination and help them learn vital pieces of information about a noun and pronoun.
In the next article you can know about adjectives that start with O.